Every Day Calls for Bravery

I’ve never been especially brave—anxious to rush out and take chances. But we all have been thrust into this morass of uncertainty with deadly viruses lurking who knows where. So if you decide to live a bit more on the edge, here are some ideas on getting started:

  • We need to develop courage on a daily basis, so it becomes a habit. We’ve all heard the dreaded interview question “Tell me about your weaknesses.” Now do a little ‘introspecting’ so you know your strengths and weaknesses.
  • If you take responsibility for your mistakes and own up to them, they may seem minimal when viewed from a distance—or you may need to polish up your apology skills.
  • Do not forget to forgive yourself. Recognize that none of us is perfect—so strive for improvement—not perfection.
  • Stand up for what you believe in. Do not let popular trends force you into positions you don’t believe in.
  • Do not run out of steam. Keep trying. If your courage is slipping, rest, recharge, get back in the battle.
  • Say ‘Yes’ to those things that sound a bit scary. Do one scary thing every day. Give it a try. Dip that toe into shark-infested waters.
  • Here is the best advice: Learn to say ‘No.’ Don’t invest your time and energy in something you don’t believe in. Rally your newfound courage and ‘Just Say No.’
  • Let go of those things you cannot change or fix. Accept them as they are and then pass on to something you can change or improve.

Those are the ‘mess-up-do over’ steps. Try them one day at a time.

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