Newsletter Debut


Those of you with long memories will recall that in my last blog post I announced my forthcoming newsletter saying it would be available in “a few days.”  That was two weeks ago! In the meantime I’ve learned a lot.

First of all, did you know that there are two separate and distinct entities named WordPress?  Both provide website content management service but they have different features and capabilities.  As luck would have it, my site was on the one that didn’t let me link up with MailChimp (the mail management service I’m using to send out my newsletter). Switching from one to the other proved an interesting learning experience. Perhaps a topic for a future newsletter. Hmmm….

At last I’ve overcome the obstacles and have posted newsletter number one on my website along with a form that lets you sign up for future editions.  Check it out by going to and clicking on NEWSLETTER in the menu at the top of the page.

Hope to see you there.